Monday, March 5, 2012

Natural Disaters in the United States

Recently, the United States was hit hard by a massive amount of tornadoes, mainly in the Southern portion of the United States, most recently, just in the past week in Alabama and other areas. This is two years in a row, now, that Alabama has been hit by devastating tornadoes. Recent history has shown quite the number of natural disasters, most notably Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005. The city was majorly flooded, people were forced to evacuate their homes and the Louisiana (now Mercedes-Benz) SuperDome was used as shelter for those who were left homeless after the Hurricane. Even Bloomsburg had its own natural disaster just last year when the city was flooded and classes were cancelled for over a week. Pennsylvania was also hit about 8 years ago by the edge of Hurricane Ivan, which brought about massive amounts of rain and caused a state of emergency to be brought down. Another hurricane that hit near Pennsylvania and throughout the east coast of the United States and the Carribean, Hurricane Irene wreaked havoc in the northeast part of the United States in 2011, Even around the world, natural disasters have been striking countries, from the earthquakes in Haiti and Japan the last few years to the tsunami that hit Japan in 2011, people everywhere have felt the power of certain natural disasters. Even the United States had an earthquake in 2011, when Colorado was hit by one in August on 2011, the largest natural earthquake to hit Colorado in over 100 years. It has certainly been a crazy past few years with the number of natural disasters that have struck not just our country, but other countries across the world.

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